There are many misconceptions regarding chiropractic care. Some claim that it can treat almost any type of ailment imaginable, while others claim that it has no inherent value whatsoever and may even lead to harm. As is often the case, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Chiropractic care has value for certain types of conditions and is generally safe when practiced by a fully trained and licensed doctor of chiropractic.

If you are thinking of receiving chiropractic care, the following signs can help you decide whether it may be of benefit to you.

1. You Experience Persistent Pain

If you experience persistent pain in your back, neck, or other joints of your body, and traditional medical treatment has not been successful in relieving it, it may be time to give chiropractic a try. Chiropractic treatment may be an effective alternative to surgery, so if you are reluctant to have an operation, ask your doctor if you can attempt a trial of chiropractic first. If the adjustments are unsuccessful, you can always go on to have the surgery later.

2. Your Symptoms Are Neuromuscular or Musculoskeletal in Nature

Though some chiropractic doctors claim that adjustment has benefits for almost every type of physical ailment, the research is not currently there to back up all these claims. Chiropractic care has shown to be most effective for treating neuromuscular or musculoskeletal issues like low back pain. You should maintain a healthy skepticism about claims to treat other maladies.

3. You Receive a Referral From Your Doctor

Though some medical doctors retain an old-fashioned prejudice against chiropractic treatment, others are more open-minded. Ultimately, your doctor wants to help relieve your pain, and is likely to recommend any form of treatment that may prove helpful. If he or she believes that chiropractic treatment may be of value, you may receive a referral.

However, if your doctor does not recommend chiropractic care, there’s nothing wrong with asking if it may help in your situation. Your doctor may have specific reasons for not recommending it to you, or he or she just may not have thought of it independently.

4. You Do Not Have Certain Contraindications

Generally, chiropractic treatment is safe. However, in the presence of certain conditions, it may do you more harm than good. For example, if your doctor tells you that a herniated or slipped disk is the cause of your pain, you should not receive chiropractic treatment because manipulation of the spine may make matters worse. Also, rare arterial malformations in the neck can contribute to a stroke when the cervical spine is manipulated. Cancer is another contraindication.

If you’d like to try chiropractic and your doctor gives you the go-ahead, contact our office today. We will be happy to schedule an appointment and/or answer any questions that you may have.


Wikipedia, Chiropractic Care

Ameriwell Clinics, Chiropractor Takoma Park, MD